We think the pre-registered quantities are reasonable, but you can test with more or less.

Estimated amount of sales before tax generated per month.

Your earnings could be

Level 0

Estimate how many people will join your  level 0 group in 1 month, 3 months, 1 year, 2 years or 3 years?


Level 1

Estimate how many people will join your first level group in 2 month, 3 months, 1 year, 2 years or 3 years?

Level 2

Estimate how many people will join this 2nd level group in 3 month, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years or 3 years? As a reminder, it will be built without your direct help.

Probable total per month if the sales volume is the same.

Your earnings could be

Your attention please! This is the result of your estimation. It will depend solely on your commitment and determination. Our advice: stay close to your first level 


This is only an example


This MLM simulator is the exclusive property of Opportuniweb.Ltd. Under no circumstances will it be used for other MLM simulations for companies outside Opportuniweb.Ltd. We have designed it to give you an example of what your future business could look like. In this example, to simplify the calculations, we’ve deliberately chosen to include only business introducers in sales. In reality, sales are much higher, because there are many more customers than business introducers. We would also like to point out that it will take a lot of time and follow up with your group. We do not want to promise you any illusory wealth, it will depend only on your work. Do the calculations with more sales each month, and with  more people. Obviously, you should not exaggerate the numbers for your calculations, these are only averages and because there are no mandatory purchases, this average is therefore reduced. That’s why we advise you not to exceed 20 people for your calculations and 10 € for the average purchase, because it could quickly make your head spin. This is our advice.
All the examples of income are calculated taking into account that the groups are followed and complete.
It will probably take you 2 or 3 years to build up and complete your group, but the important thing is to consolidate it by taking advantage of relationship marketing, i.e. staying in touch with your direct members, those at the 1st level.
As a reminder, you do not sell! You are referring people to our websites, which makes you a commercial contributor for us, and we reward you for that.
You will need to meet certain obvious eligibility requirements in order to earn commissions on sales generated with your help and your group. Please read the instructions in our Business Contributor Agreement carefully.

He who does not try, only makes one mistake.

See you soon, on all the pages of the world!